Saturday, 18 April 2009

Day Three

Crochet in The Studio,a still from `The Fabric of The Universe`, 2007.

Crochet in The Snow, a still from `The Fabric of The Universe`,2007.

I love spirograph! Drawing combined with science and a bit of mystery. Theres an episode of `The Simpsons`, where they find Dr.`S`, in a vast empty warehouse, sat alone at his drawing board in the dead of night. He`s searching for the secrets of the universe by drawing with spirograph! I laughed , but felt a little embarassed as well. . An amusing cliche, but a bit to close to home. Ahem!
It`s something to do with the graceful movement found , not only in the process of using the toy, but, in the hypertrochoids themselves, ( that, I understand is the proper mathematical term for the patterns). I `ve been using them as visual representations of sub atomic particles, which were described in a New Scientist article as ,`united briefly in dance, before near instantaneous annihilation`. Lovley!
The prospective energy and anticipation of movement inspired me to make, with vast ammounts of help( from friend and film maker Jacob Whittaker), a small animated film,` The Fabric of the Universe`, partly using spirographs. You can watch it on my web site
View Jakes work at

That wasn`t my first attempt at dealing with a moving image. Jake helped me animate another on going interactive project, `The Game`, the year before. You can see that on the web site as well. `The Game`, uses an adapted version of the childrens game `Fuzzy Felt`, to explore the multitude of possibilities involved in a systemic mark making process.
You can see other pieces of solo and collaoborative work using film on,

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